Monhegan Memories
Monhegan is an epic adventure. All who have raced this event have stories that they share. This collection is from racers of the Monhegan, Manana and Seguin races. We hope you will share your Monhegan Memory with us!

2024 - a race recap from Tamarack
Long time Monhegan competitor Geoff Emmanuel provides a blow by blow recap of the 2024 Monhegan race. Describing where they went right and where they went wrong.

Al Carville - It was a fast start, and a slow race…
138 boats started the race with a strong breeze, how many would make it to the finish line?
Rich Stevenson - The benefits of a good dinner
A few memories from Rich and a story about how wind holes can be both a curse and a blessing…

Geoff Emanuel - My First Monhegan
1971 Monhegan - A hurricane passing by, a boat, with 8 crew, one of whom was over 18. It was a wild ride.

Gregg Carville - My Fastest Manana, a wet and wild ride.
The wind was blowing 15 with gusts to 25 from the Northwest. It was going to be a fast race to Monhegan.

Molly White - Hot Food, Cold Whales and Kaos
Kaos (Scott Smithwick’s boats of that name) has the record for most Monhegan wins across all classes. Molly crewed on most of them and shares some thoughts about what makes for a successful Monehgan.