Monhegan Island Race & Seguin Island Sprint Volunteers!
We could not run this event without all the help that you provide. All volunteers are welcome to attend the events throughout the weekend. Below we have listed the volunteer assignments, please let us know if you need to change or cancel.
Skipper check in - Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Help with skippers checking in their boats and getting their trackers
Photo Boats for Friday & Saturday starts
Help us get photos and videos of the boats in action.
Shuttle drivers from Holy Martys overflow parking to PYC and vice versa
Clean up at the end of the event.
Sunday Awards Breakfast
Help setup the awards breakfast - see Gregg Carville
Sunday Awards Breakfast
Help serve at the awards breakfast - see Kitchen Staff
Cocktail Party & Dinner Thursday
Help setup the big Monhegan party - 3PM.
Bartend for the party.
Welcome the Finishers on Saturday night
Help with welcoming the boats back to PYC. See Jody Cady